Dolphin E10 vs S100: Comprehensive Pool Cleaner Comparison

Dolphin E10 vs S100; Which option suits you best? As pool owners, we understand how crucial it is to maintain a tidy and welcoming pool. Enter robotic pool cleaners, like the *PAID LINK* Dolphin E10 and S100, which often stir up discussions. We tested these gadgets so you can choose the one that keeps your pool in tip-top shape.

We’re going to compare these two robot pool cleaners in-depth, focusing on the big stuff that makes ’em different. The Dolphin E10 and S100—how they look, how well they’re made, how well they clean your pool, whether it’s above or in the ground, and how solid their filter systems work. Stick with us, and by the time we’re done, you’ll know which Dolphin is kind of perfect for getting your pool clean.

dolphin e10 vs s100

Look and Quality of the Build: Dolphin E10 vs S100

Design and how well they’re put together matter for these robot pool cleaners. It decides if they will perform well and keep going for a long time. Let’s peek at the Dolphin E10 and S100 to discover who wins this round.

Dolphin E10 Look

Aimed at above-ground pools, the Dolphin E10 is a starter model of a robot pool scrubber. It punches above its weight with cool features you wouldn’t expect from a wallet-friendly product.

Now, this E10? It rolls on tracks, not wheels like the cheapo versions out there. It borrowed this move from the fancier Dolphin squad. Why’s that so cool? Better grip and moves so it blitzes through cleaning your splash zone way better.

The design of the E10 emphasizes straightforwardness and user-friendliness. Just plug it in and go; no need to put it together or grab extra gear, like a booster pump. Pool owners looking for a cleaning option that doesn’t give them a headache will find it perfect.

An interesting piece of the E10’s build is the filter basket that you load from the top. This bit is cool ’cause it’s different from lots of other pool cleaners that aren’t on the ground where you gotta either turn the bot upside-down or take pieces apart just to get to the filter. But with the E10, pulling out the filter basket is super easy, you just clean it up, and boom, it’s back in business in less than a couple of minutes [1].

Turning on the E10 is a breeze. It’s got a no-nonsense button that just turns it on or off. Give it a go, and it kicks off a cleaning spree for 1.5 hours. Sure, having something easy to use is awesome, but keep in mind, that the E10 doesn’t come with fancy extras, like setting it to clean on a schedule every week.

Design of the Dolphin S100

The Dolphin S100 from the S-Series range is built to tackle in-ground pools as long as 10 meters [2]. This robot cleaner is light tipping the scales at a mere 6.5 kilograms, which places it among the most lightweight of its kind [2]. Being this light is a huge plus ’cause pretty much everyone can pick it up and remove it from the pool without breaking a sweat.

The S100 boasts a 15-meter cable so it can run without needing your pool’s pump system. This not only simplifies cleaning your pool but also helps save electricity.

A cool thing about the S100 is its two-way filtering deal. It’s got one filter for the big junk and another for tiny bits. This means the S100 is ready to tackle whatever mess your pool throws at it.

Many users have complimented the S100’s filter basket because it’s easy to use. Its design is super straightforward making it a breeze to take out, empty, and slap back, unlike other cleaners out there [2].

Checking Out the Designs

The E10 and S100 both stick to Maytronics’ promise of designs that are easy for users, but they’re made for different kinds of pools and pack their unique stuff.

The E10 crafted for pools above the ground, moves with a track system giving it better wheels. On the flip side, the S100, made for pools dug into the ground, uses less heft to make handling a breeze. Both types put an easy experience first sporting simple buttons and filters you can clean without a fuss.

A big different thing is how long they clean. The E10’s got a 1.5-hour cleaning spree, but the S100 does its thing for 2 hours, according to the websites [1] [2]. Guess that extra half-hour is why the S100 is a champ at getting bigger pools all.

Their cords are different too. We don’t know the exact details about the E10’s wire, but the S100’s don’t swing around. This info came from a review at Sometimes, this means the S100 can get knotted up so keep that in mind while weighing them up.

These gadgets are made to save power and work all on their own, without needing the pool’s system. This is a big plus compared to old-school cleaning tools for your pool.

According to Maytronics, their “Dolphin E10” and “S100” robotic pool cleaners are built to last around 500 hours. That comes out to 250 runs for the S100 since it does its job in 2 hours each go-around.

Both the “Dolphin E10” and “S100” have clever designs suited for various swimming pools. They’re all about simple operation and solid cleanup. This puts them right up there in the pool bot league.

Scrubbing Ability: Dolphin E10 vs S100

When you’re looking at robotic pool cleaners, the ability to clean well is the deal maker or breaker. So, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of what the Dolphin E10 and S100 bring to the table regarding this vital part.

Dolphin E10 Cleaning Powers

Tailored for above-ground pools no bigger than 30 feet, the Dolphin E10 is a breeze when it comes to operation. All we gotta do is plug this bad boy in, chuck it in the pool, and kick back while it takes care of business.

The E10 catches attention with its CleverClean tech. This nifty scanning and navigation setup guarantees it covers the whole pool. But you gotta remember, the E10 sticks to scrubbing just the pool floor. It won’t scale the walls or scrub the waterline so it skips over patches of serious grime.

The E10 features just one brush to scrub and pick up trash. While it does a decent job for basic clean-up, it’s not as comprehensive as the setups on fancier models. This cleaner polishes off a pool in a snappy 1.5 hours, which is pretty fast for such a gadget.

In filtering stuff, the E10 rolls with basic fine filters. These bad boys grab bigger bits like tiny leaves and random junk but keep the water moving fast [5]. But yeah, the E10 can’t handle the teeny weeny things like algae, sand, and other small trash [4]. So if your pool’s often hitting up with this kind of crud, it might be a bit of a headache.

The E10 shines when it comes to saving energy. Pool owners can save a good chunk of change since this nifty gadget is all about cutting down on the water, chemicals, and juice it uses to get the job done. If you’ve got an above-ground pool, going for the E10 could mean more cash stays in your pocket over the long haul.

Dolphin S100 Scrubbing Skills

The Dolphin S100 targets in-ground pools delivering a cleaning package that’s more thorough than what you get with E10. It ensures a flawless clean every time you use it. Specializing in scrubbing both the bottom and sides of your pool, the S100 is super good at taking care of the waterline too.

The S100 shines when it cruises over smooth and uneven surfaces, never having a tough time [6]. Its knack for adapting means it does a solid job cleaning all sorts of pools, from your usual flat ones to the fancy curvy ones.

Clocking in at a 2-hour scrub session, the S100 takes a bit longer than the E10 to do its thing [7]. But hey, that extra time means it gets to give your pool a deeper clean since it gets around more spots.

Checking Out How They Clean: Dolphin E10 vs S100

Peeking at how the E10 and S100 get stuff clean, there’s some pretty big stuff that doesn’t match up:

  1. The E10 tackles cleaning the floor but the S100 doesn’t stop there—it also scrubs the walls and waterline.
  2. While the E10 comes equipped with just one brush, the S100 boasts scrappy all-terrain PVC brushes and isn’t shy about active scrubbing making its cleaning power a bit more solid.
  3. While the E10 employs standard fine filters not great at trapping tiny stuff, the S100’s filtering prowess isn’t clarified in our records. Still, with its fancy specs, we expect it’s better at the job.
  4. Pool preference time: If your swimming spot’s above ground and not over 30 feet, E10’s your buddy; but dig a hole for your pool up to about 33 feet, which is like 10 meters, and the S100 will rock it.
  5. Scrub Session: The E10 completes its round in ninety minutes, but the S100 goes for a full two hours 3 7.

Looking at the big picture, the S100 seems to provide a thorough cleaning option, with a special knack for in-ground pools. Meanwhile, folks who own above-ground pools and want a straightforward and effective cleaner might find the E10 fits the bill pretty well.

System to Clean the Water: Dolphin E10 vs S100

The E10’s Water Cleaning System

In the game of cleaning, the Dolphin E10 keeps it simple but nails it. I noticed it’s got this one-layer filter setup with these neat fine filters that snatch up all the big gunk and junk outta your swimming hole. This whole gig is tucked inside a filter basket that’s no sweat to clean, so keeping things tidy is super easy.

The filtration setup in the E10 packs a regular filter 5. Good enough for the usual pool clean-up job yet it’s a bummer the E10 doesn’t have those fancier NanoFilters™ 5. This drawback gives the E10 a tough time dealing with tiny stuff like algae, sand, and other itty-bitty junk 4.

The E10 filtration system shines with its top-loading setup. It’s a breeze to use, which is so nice – say goodbye to handling the yucky stuff hands-on. Just pull out the filter, pop open the base, and wash it. It’s way cleaner and easier to manage this way.

Dolphin S100 Filtration

Shifting the focus to the “Dolphin S100,” this model steps up its game with an upgraded cleaning system. The S100 is proud of its complex filter setup—it’s got layers, including both fine and tiny dirt catchers 8. Thanks to this two-tier system, it grabs all kinds of gunk, from big to little stuff 8.

The S100 boasts a filtration setup with a basic filter just like its cousin, the E10. But hey, it kicks things up a notch with swappable filter choices, right? It’s pretty neat since this lets us deal with all sorts of gunk and junk, from the teeniest dust specks to bigger rubble chilling in our swimming spot.

The S100’s filtration system rocks a big advantage, thanks to its multi-layer jumbo-sized filter basket. This cool design makes grabbing tiny and big trash way better, which might just mean you can chill longer before you gotta clean that filter.

Filtration Face-off

Peeking at how the E10 and S100’s filtration systems stack up, there’s a bunch of stuff that doesn’t match up:

  1. The E10 relies on a one-tier filtering process but the S100 uses a stacked method 8.
  2. Standard filters are what you get with both models 5. Yet the S100 gives more choices with its filter selection packing both fine and super fine options to snag various trash sizes 8.
  3. NanoFiltration ain’t a feature on the E10 or the S100. Going for some fancier models might be a good idea if you wanna snag those teeny-tiny particles these two can’t get.
  4. When we’re talking about trapping more junk, the S100’s huge filter basket holds more than what you’d get with the E10’s regular one.
  5. Cleaning Ease: The E10 with its top-load design and the S100’s simple-clean basket both make keeping the filters tidy a breeze 9 8.
  6. Flexibility: With its various filter choices that you can swap out, the S100 takes the lead when it comes to adjusting to different types of pool situations 8.

The S100, with its complex filtering system, might just do a better job cleaning up your pool if it gets all kinds of junk. But hey, if you’ve got an above-ground pool with regular old leaves and stuff, the E10’s easier filter could be all good.

Just a heads-up though, if your pool’s often looking foggy or you’re battling mini algae and grains of sand, you might wanna look into something with NanoFilters™. Just so you know, neither E10 nor S100 have got that super fancy stuff. Check out this link for the nitty-gritty 5.

So, wrapping it up: Dolphin E10 vs S100

The Dolphin E10 and S100 are like superheroes for pools, each with their cool tricks. If you’ve got an above-ground pool and don’t wanna break the bank, the E10’s your pal. It keeps things simple scrubbing the floor with its solo brush and just-the-basics filter system. But hey, if you’re in the in-ground pool gang, the S100 steps up the game. This guy climbs walls and even takes on the waterline armed with a fancier brush setup and an upgraded multi-layer filter that catches more gunk.

Pool owners must weigh their requirements when picking between these two models. If you’ve got an above-ground pool and want easy upkeep, the E10 stands out with its straightforward design and energy-saving features. On the flip side, if you’ve got an in-ground pool that needs a hearty clean, the S100’s range of functions and deep-clean ability might be just what you’re searching for. In the end, each cleaner reflects Maytronics’ dedication to creating designs that are easy for users and maintain pools in top-notch condition ensuring they stay clear and welcoming.

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