Aiper Seagull Pro vs Plus: Which Is the Better Choice for You?

Aiper Seagull Pro vs Plus; which is a better fit for you? Ever found yourself gazing at a cloudy swimming pool hoping for an easy fix to keep it clear and shining? I’ve got a little something to pique your interest. It’s time to put the Aiper Seagull Pro head-to-head with the Plus to figure out which cordless robotic pool cleaner is going to be your go-to. These nifty machines are causing a revolution in how pool lovers care for their watery havens – simplifying upkeep and freeing up our schedules to kick back in our backyards.

In our discussion, we’ll delve deep into the specifics of these well-liked Aiper pool vacuums. We’ll examine their build how well they clean, and the duration of their power supply to present a detailed comparison. When we wrap up, you’ll possess every detail necessary to decide whether you should go for the Aiper Seagull Pro wireless pool cleaner robot or opt for the Plus model. Now, let’s start exploring to discover which one might be just right for your swimming area!

aiper seagull pro vs plus

Construction and Craftsmanship: Aiper Seagull Pro vs Plus

Picking the perfect pool sweeper, its looks and sturdiness matter. Let’s get into the nitty-gritty of both the Aiper Seagull Pro and and figure out their differences.

Seagull Pro Looks

The Aiper Seagull Pro has caused a revolution in the whole battery-powered robotic pool sweeper scene. Being a fresh addition to the 2023 collection, this thing comes with cool upgrades that make it stand out from the older bunch (1).

When I first checked out the Seagull Pro, its bulk and heft caught my eye right away. It’s a good deal chunkier than the older versions kinda like those famous Dolphin cleaners. But there’s a good reason for this extra weight. It helps with keeping the cleaner steady and boosts its cleaning strength making it a breeze to spruce up big pools.

The “Seagull Pro” stands out with its design for sure. It’s got this cool system where it sucks stuff up and spits out water, which cranks up the power and lets it run better. So, thanks to that smart design, it can deal with big pools, like up to 3,200 square feet. That’s a pretty big leap from what the old models could do.

The Seagull Pro stands out for its ability to climb walls. This cordless cleaner tackles not just the pool floor but also ascends the pool walls ensuring a better cleanup. Still, it’s important to mention that although it cleans partial walls, the waterline remains out of its reach.

The Seagull Pro boasts an industry-first quad-motor setup [3]. This robust setup gives the cleaner the power to move through both in-ground and above-ground pools with ease.

Seagull Plus Design

Details on the Seagull Plus are a bit sparse. Yet, since it belongs to the same series as the Pro, we guess it has some design features in common.

Similar to the Pro model, experts expect the Seagull Plus to sport a wireless setup. This is a big win for simple handling and moving around. You get to say goodbye to twisty wires and having to plug in, which makes cleaning your pool a breeze.

Checking Out Their Designs

Peek at both, and the Seagull Pro jumps out at you. It’s got some nifty tricks and skills that are a step up. Let’s dive into what sets these two apart:

  1. The Seagull Pro tackles pools as big as 3,200 square feet, which beats older models by a ton [3].
  2. Climbing walls? Yeah, the Pro’s got that covered for an even deeper clean. As for the Plus model—we’re not sure if it’s got the same chops; the details don’t mention anything about that [3].
  3. Motor Setup: Sporting four motors, the Pro version seems to have more oomph compared to the Plus [3].
  4. Way It Cleans: You get three different ways to clean with the Seagull Pro, which means it can handle a variety of situations [3].
  5. Tech stuff: The Pro version comes with underwater GPS and some cool mapping tech to make sure it cleans well [3]. They don’t talk about this stuff for the Plus one though.

Both designs show better battery performance than past models, but it’s important to see that when you stack up against wired cleaners, battery life doesn’t quite measure up.

When it comes to how solid the Seagull Pro is, it looks like they’ve upped their game. The plastic they’re using now seems tougher, so it’ll last longer. Just like the Dolphins, this one’s got a slick fine mesh basket that comes with it, and you can grab more if you’re running low.

So here’s something kinda cool: the Seagull Pro’s manual has got the how-to on switching out parts that get worn out. Looks like Aiper’s selling these bits, which is pretty sweet for keeping your cleaner running longer and giving it a serious life boost.

Now, if we’re talking about the Seagull Pro and the Plus, both are awesome ’cause you don’t have to deal with any cords, but the Pro is winning with all its fancy extras and ability to scrub bigger swimming holes, scale up the pool walls, and whip out the latest tech to get the job done. For folks who want the crème de la crème of cord-free pool cleaners, the Pro’s the one to beat.

Cleaning Kicks: Aiper Seagull Pro vs Plus

Keeping our pools super clean matters a lot, and our robotic buddies doing a good job is key. Let’s jump into how the Aiper Seagull Pro and robots get the job done.

Seagull Pro Scrubbing

The Aiper Seagull Pro wowed me with how well it scrubs. It’s got this cool WavePath tech that helps it scrub smartly and completely. This nifty bot divides its scrubbing job by going over the bottom first, and then it hits up the walls zigzagging in a planned back-and-forth way [4].

The Seagull Pro’s strong suction is a major highlight. It works super well with tough messes, like when leaves and junk fall from trees by the pool. This robot always gets the pool floor to look super clean showing off just how good it cleans [5].

The Seagull Pro’s four motors make wall climbing a breeze for this gadget. Watching that spinning scrub brush tackle the climb and scrub just above where the water starts is pretty cool. Just keep in mind, it scrubs walls but doesn’t quite hit the real waterline. Most of your pool’s bacteria – a whole 90% – like to hang out there.

The Seagull Pro tackles your pool’s floors and walls cleaning them up nice and good. It’s got a beefy battery, so it can clean for about 2.5 to 3 whole hours meaning it gets stuff pretty spotless. This bot comes with a big ol’ filter basket that’s made of really fine mesh. It can hold a bunch of junk, from mucky gunk and little sticks to creepy crawlies and fallen leaves that end up in the water.

Seagull Plus Tidying Up

Seagull Plus belongs to the same series but shows some variances in how it tidies up. It’s similar to the Pro because it tackles floor tidying. But the Plus stands out because it tackles walls as well [1].

A cleaning session with the Seagull Plus lasts about 2 hours [6], not as long as the Pro’s but enough for a deep clean.

Measuring Up Performance

When comparing the cleaning performance of these two models, we can see some key differences:

Look when you put the cleanup game of these two gadgets side by side, you’re gonna spot a couple of big things that don’t match up.

  1. Scope of Cleaning: The Seagull Pro not only scrubs the pool bottom but also tackles the pool walls for wider cleaning action [1].
  2. Scrub Time: Seagull Plus churns through its scrub in a couple of hours [6]. But the Pro kicks things up rumbling along for a full three hours [5]. This might mean it’s better at getting your pool spick and span.
  3. Cleaning the waterline is something both models don’t do. It’s worth a thought cause lots of bacteria and algae like to hang out there.
  4. Brush-wise, the Seagull Plus got a pair and the Pro model got a zip. This might just give the Plus a leg up when it comes to scrub power.
  5. Getting Around: The Seagull Pro employs WavePath navigation tech, a key factor in its tidy cleaning routes. We don’t have the lowdown on the Plus model’s way of getting around just yet.
  6. The Seagull Pro features a filter basket with a lot of room handy for pools gathering tons of junk.

Both models rock when it comes to everyday use keeping pools looking neat and tidy. The Seagull Pro is a bit ahead for bigger pools or ones that get dirty easily thanks to its longer run time and skill to climb walls. But, the Plus model and its two brushes might scrub better.

You gotta remember even though they both clean walls, they don’t get to the waterline. That’s super important for keeping your pool clean. So think about that when you’re picking between these two and checking out what your pool needs.

Battery Showdown: Aiper Seagull Pro vs Plus

Looking at how the batteries do in both models, some obvious contrasts pop up:

The Seagull Pro brings a much longer running time maxing out at 180 minutes, which stands in contrast to the Plus version that only touts a running time of 110 minutes.

The Pro version powers up pretty well, getting charged in just 90 minutes, while the Plus model needs 2.5 hours to charge up.

The Pro boasts a longer runtime allowing it to tidy up bigger pools to 3,200 square feet [3]. Meanwhile, the Plus suits smaller swimming areas and can handle spaces as large as 1,300 square feet [9].

  1. The Pro boasts a power unit with 9000mAh [7], outdoing the Plus’s 7800mAh [9].

The Seagull Pro and its rival both boast battery advancements over prior models. Yet, the Seagull Pro edges ahead due to the increased length of service it provides and its ability to juice up quickly.

Not to overlook, these models bring a handy trait aimed to wrap up their scrubbing stint near a barrier making it simpler to pick up. Despite this, a handful of folks have noted this function can be hit or miss, with the sweeper halting in the pool’s core [9].

We strongly recommend that you check the *PAID LINK* Aiper Seagull Pro

To wrap it up, the Seagull Pro and the other model both give you freedom from cords, but the Seagull Pro stands out with its longer-lasting battery and quicker power-ups. This makes it a better pick if you’ve got a big pool or gotta clean a ton. Still, you gotta watch out ’cause some folks say the battery can be a bit hit or miss. So, think about what your pool demands before you choose.

The Aiper Seagull Pro and models serve up some slick ways to get your pool all sparkly without any cord mess. Each cleaner packs its punch, with the Pro taking the lead when it comes to juice that lasts longer quick power-up time, and handling big pools like a boss. The Plus might not run as long, but it still does a solid job for the little pool crew and rocks a couple of brushes to get that deep clean going.

, deciding to go with either the Aiper Seagull Pro or Plus hinges on what you want for your swimming hole. Maybe you’d lean towards the Pro for its fancy tricks, or the Plus if you dig a smaller gadget. Each gizmo gives you a chill way to keep the pool neat. But hey, let’s not forget that even though these robot buddies are super useful, you’ve still gotta do the usual upkeep, and that’s true for scrubbing at the water’s edge.

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