Nautilus CC Plus vs Supreme: Which Pool Cleaner Wins?

Nautilus CC Plus vs Supreme; which is better for you? Who doesn’t yearn for a crystal-clear pool but dreads the effort of hand cleaning? Enter the world of robotic pool purifiers, with the Nautilus CC Plus and Supreme being hot picks. I’m a pool upkeep pro who’s tested these Dolphin devices eager to dish out my findings. They aim to simplify your pool care routine, so which one steps up to the plate?

Okay, let’s get into the nitty-gritty and spot the differences between these robot pool cleaners. We’re going to peek at their build and how awesome they are at scrubbing up, plus the nifty tech perks they’re packing. I’m gonna lay out how much juice they suck up, the size of pools they got covered, and their knack for tackling all sorts of junk. You’re gonna get a solid idea of which one might be the champ for your swimming spot. Time to dive in and size up the Nautilus CC Plus versus the Supreme!

nautilus cc plus vs supreme

Crafting and Toughness

In the realm of automated pool cleaners, the way they’re made and their design integrity are super important for how well they work and how long they last. Now, let’s dive into checking out the Nautilus CC Plus and Supreme seeing which one rocks more in this area.

Nautilus CC Plus Design

The Nautilus CC Plus rocks a classic design that’s stood the test of time. It’s built with a squat center of mass and rolls on tracks instead of wheels making it a pro at getting around your pool [1]. I’m digging the high handle since it makes yanking the gadget out of the water super easy. The CC Plus is kitted out with a couple of brushes – one at the front and another at the rear – and they’re great for knocking loose any junk it encounters while tidying up [1].

A standout characteristic is the 60-foot anti-tangle swivel cable it’s got to stop annoying tangles when it roams your pool area [1]. This device works its magic on pools as long as 50 feet, so it’s pretty much perfect for lots of home pools [1].

Top-Notch Design

The Nautilus CC Supreme ramps up the design game a bit. Its design is kinda like its buddy, with a 60-foot cable that won’t get twisted up. But the Supreme has some cool new features. This thing’s got three brushes that spin meaning it scrubs way better, plus there’s an extra brush chilling in the middle of the bottom part.

Remember the Supreme tips the scales a bit sitting around 24 lbs without water [2]. This could make things a bit tougher to manage when you gotta lift it out of the water.

Checking out the Designs: Nautilus CC Plus vs Supreme

Looking at both models side by side, there’s a bunch you’ll wanna keep your eyes peeled for:

The CC Plus sports a pair of brushes, yet the Supreme one-ups it with a trio perhaps leading to deeper scrub-downs. Meanwhile, the Supreme’s got a bit beefier filter cartridges than the CC Plus hinting at fewer dump-out sessions.

  1. The Supreme packs more weight, which could make it trickier to move around and manage [2].
  2. Scrubbing the waterline is something the Supreme nails but the CC Plus just doesn’t manage to pull off [3].
  3. Cool Tech Specs: You get to boss the Supreme around with Wi-Fi, cause it listens to the MyDolphin app. The CC Plus? Nope, it doesn’t have that trick [3].

The two models have some things in common like you can get to the filter from the top which makes keeping ’em clean pretty easy [3]. But, you won’t find the big leaf bag that some of the other Dolphin things have. That’s something you might wanna think about if you’re always fishing out big chunks of junk from your pool [3].

How Good It Cleans: Nautilus CC Plus vs Supreme

What the CC Plus Can Do To Clean

Pool enthusiasts have found the Nautilus CC Plus a top pick, but it seems a bit outdated next to the fresh crop of models. The machine’s design boasts a low center of gravity and opts for tracks over wheels offering better maneuvering over pool bottoms. Equipped with a pair of brushes one in the front and another trailing behind, the CC Plus makes getting rid of debris a breeze as it sweeps.

The CC Plus ain’t perfect though. Sure, it tidies up your pool’s floor and can sort of climb up the walls, but don’t count on it to scrub the waterline [4]. This ain’t great because let’s face it: the waterline’s where all the icky stuff like bacteria, algae, and biofilm love to hang out [1]. From what I’ve seen, you’re gonna end up scrubbing that area by hand, which is kinda annoying when you’ve got a machine that’s supposed to do the dirty work.

Really Good at Cleaning

The Nautilus CC Supreme, however, brings in some cool new stuff. It’s not like the CC Plus because the Supreme scrubs the waterline, which fixes one of the hugest letdowns the old one had. Just having this thing scrubbing up high ups the game in how clean your pool gets.

The Supreme features a trio of twirling brushes rather than a pair adding an extra one smack in the middle on its underside [3]. You’d think that’s a step up, but I’m not sold on how well it works. To be honest, I’m kinda skeptical that this middle brush might just make it tougher for the intake ports to grab up the big chunks of junk [5].

A Side-by-Side Look at How They Do

In the showdown between these two gadgets, the Supreme takes the lead with its knack for tidying up. It’s pretty awesome at scrubbing the waterline, which is big news since that’s where icky stuff and germs like to hang out [5]. But just a heads up – while it’s top-notch at this job, it matches what other fancy pool robots can do, not outdoing them [5].

Top-loading filter cartridges in both models make cleaning a breeze, and the Supreme’s got a bit more size to it. But, bummer, there’s no huge leaf bag for either, not cool when your pool’s a magnet for big messes.

When it comes to cleaning up, the “CC Plus” got rid of roughly 85% of the junk we could see in our experiment. Yet it had a tough time with staircases and didn’t get all the dirt out of the shallow part. The “Supreme” though, with its snazzier options does a better job of making things spotless.

Clever Gizmos and How You Run Them: Nautilus CC Plus vs Supreme

What “CC Plus” Brings to the Table

The Nautilus CC Plus makes cleaning pools easy. You can work the power supply interface without a hitch setting up weekly cleaning without a fuss. But, it’s missing the cool newer features other models boast. For kicking off a clean-up or tweaking when it runs, you’ve gotta handle the gadget outdoors.

If you’re into Wi-Fi connectivity, the CC Plus has a version tailor-made for you. This special model comes Wi-Fi-ready letting you boss the robot around using the MyDolphin Plus app. Fancy starting clean-ups from afar? doable with this one.

Top-Notch Traits

The Nautilus CC Supreme elevates cool tech stuff with its smartness. It’s got Wi-Fi built in so you’ve got total power over it with the MyDolphin app [5]. With this app, you can set times for it to clean, steer the gadget from far away, and you can even take it for a spin yourself [6].

Super cool thing about the Supreme—it’s got a bunch of ways to clean up. You can pick from four modes that go for different times: 1.5, 2.5, or 3.5 hours. So, like, you can match the cleaning to what your pool needs.

Peeking at the Smarts

So, check it when you stack the two side by side, the Supreme wins when we’re talking smart gizmos and controlling stuff. Let’s scoop up what sets them apart:

  1. How You Can Control Them: You get to use both a power unit and a smartphone app to control the Supreme. The CC Plus, on the other hand, uses its power unit [6].
  2. Ways to Clean: The Supreme lets you pick from four cleaning styles. This includes a quick clean and more thorough options. For the CC Plus, your choices to program it are kinda fewer.
  3. Taking control from afar is kinda cool. With the Supreme, you can push buttons on your phone to move things around, something you just can’t do with the standard CC Plus model.
  4. Talking about making plans, yep, you can set up both to clean on the reg. But the Supreme, it’s kinda more chill about it letting you hit snooze on the start time and pick how long it runs for.
  5. Supreme machines use CleverClean tech to pick the best cleaning paths, but hey sometimes folks notice it doesn’t pick the smartest routes all the time [2].

We strongly recommend that you check the *PAID LINK* Dolphin Nautilus CC Plus

Wrap-Up: Nautilus CC Plus vs Supreme

When you compare the pool-scrubbing powers and clever tricks of the Nautilus CC Plus and Supreme, you can see they both have their perks. The Supreme edges ahead with its skills for washing the waterline and its fancy tech controls via the MyDolphin app giving it a bit of a boost in how well it works and how easy it is to use. But don’t count out the CC Plus just yet; it’s a solid choice for folks who like to keep pool care simple.

Picking between these two cleaners comes down to what you want and need. Those who dig advanced tech and deep-clean powers might lean towards the Supreme. But, if you’re all about keeping it simple and just want something dependable to clean up, the CC Plus might just hit the spot.

Did you check our “Which Dolphin Robotic Pool Cleaner Is The Best” post?


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