Dolphin Explorer E50 vs Sigma: The Ultimate Comparison Guide

Dolphin Explorer E50 vs Sigma; which one suits you best? Ever found yourself next to a pool thinking about how you can make it shine without wasting your whole day? Yup, robotic pool cleaners are game-changers, and let’s jump right into the battle between two hot shots: *PAID LINK* Dolphin Explorer E50 and Sigma. As someone who knows a thing or two about keeping pools tip-top, I’m thrilled to drop some knowledge about these cool gadgets that are sparking a revolution in pool upkeep.

In our rundown, we’re diving into what makes these robotic cleaners for your pool stand out. Eyeballing their motor strength and suck-up power comes first then peeking into their filter setups follows. We’re checking out how they go about their scrubbing jobs and what options you have to set them up. Talk about their tough build and guarantees is also on the agenda, so you can pick like a pro. Do you have a new pool or thinking about stepping up your pool-care game? This side-by-side has got your back with all you need to know for snagging the best bot buddy for your swim spot.

dolphin explorer e50 vs sigma

Zooming In on Motor Might and Vacuum Action: Dolphin Explorer E50 vs Sigma

When talking about robot pool vacuums, the punch of the motor and its ability to suck up stuff is super important for figuring out if they’re any good or not. So let’s take a peek at the Dolphin Explorer E50 versus the *PAID LINK* Dolphin Sigma and check out their power game.

Explorer E50 Motor

So the Dolphin Explorer E50 comes with your basic motors that do a decent job at keeping your pool clean on the regular. These bad boys are pretty good for the usual clean-up your pool might need. But, you know, they aren’t quite as beast as what you might find in the fancier ones out there.

Keep this in your noggin: The Explorer E50 doesn’t rock the same tough-as-nails motors you’d find in the ProLine™ series [1]. That means for the mega messes or big pools, the E50 might not pack enough punch. But for your standard backyard swimming holes, this bot’s got enough juice to make ’em sparkle.

Sigma Motor

Time to gab about the Dolphin Sigma and its motor mojo, and boy, it’s a doozy. The Sigma struts around with not just one or two, but a trio of DC motors. This three-pack of power is rewriting the rules in Robot Pool Cleaner Land.

This strong motor setup offers a bunch of perks:

  1. The Sigma cranks out a whopping five times more torque than regular pool cleaners meaning it doesn’t give up when facing down tough grime and rough debris.
  2. But hey, even with that muscle, the Sigma’s a real energy-saver. Believe it or not, it consumes 90% less power than the old-school cleaners. Dolphin’s done the math, and they say you’re looking at a measly nickel to run it for an hour.
  3. Speedy Clean-up Job: Thanks to its beefy motors, the Sigma whizzes through a 50-footer in just two and a half hours. Now that’s what you call quick work for a spotless pool.
  4. Better Movement: Three DC motors team up with a built-in gyroscope giving the Sigma the power to zip around your pool with total ease making sure it covers the ground fast.

Motor Showdown: Dolphin Explorer E50 vs Sigma

In the battle of motors, Sigma takes the lead with its might and efficiency. Sporting three commercial-grade motors, it beats the Explorer E50’s regular motors hands down.

You get spot-on control and robot placement with Sigma’s fancy motor mix, Dual Control Stabilizers, and a sharp microprocessor. This combo gets your pool’s floor, walls, and waterline sparkling clean.

The Explorer E50’s got skills for scrubbing floors, walls, and the waterline too, but might not hit the same mark of precision or strength as Sigma, what with its less robust motor setup.

Wrapping it up, if it’s raw scrubbing strength and speed you’re after, the Dolphin Sigma’s three motors offer a big boost when compared to the Explorer E50. Still, the E50’s normal motors might do the trick for tinier pools or if you’re not too fussy about your cleaning tasks.

Filter Setup: Dolphin Explorer E50 vs Sigma

Keeping our pools sparkling means getting the filter set up right. Now, we’ll check out the approach the Dolphin Explorer E50 and the Sigma take to nail this essential part of keeping pools looking good.

Explorer E50 Filter Setup

The Explorer E50 packs a typical filtration system solid for regular pool tidying gigs. It snatches up big stuff like tiny leaves and various trash with its standard filters making sure the water keeps moving fast 1. Pools not sweating over itty-bitty bits or murky H2O will find it a pretty neat match.

Alright, so you gotta know that the Explorer E50 doesn’t pack all the fancy filter tricks you see in the pricier models. Like, it’s missing the NanoFilters™ tech that snags the teeny tiny bits and pieces other vacuums might just swim past. So, if your pool’s often got that murky vibe, or you’re battling itty-bitty algae and sand, you might wanna keep that in mind.

Sigma Filtration

Okay moving on to what the Sigma’s got going on filter-wise – it cranks it up. The Sigma’s rocking the basic filters, plus it’s loaded with the slick NanoFilters™. Those NanoFilters™ man, they’re like an awesome twist in cleaning up your pool.

The NanoFilters™ snag particles down to 2 microns. To give you a better idea, that’s tinier than the majority of bacteria! Such a high level of filtering means the Sigma can catch the small stuff like algae and microscopic bits that regular filters just miss out on.

From what I’ve seen, you can tell the difference. Pools that get the Sigma’s NanoFilters™ treatment don’t just look more transparent but also give off a fresher vibe. You can legit feel the boost in water quality making swimming a whole lot better.

Plus, let’s talk about how fast the Sigma works. It blitzes through cleaning taking on an enormous 75 gallons every minute. With that kind of speed, plus the NanoFilters™, you get pool water that’s super fresh.

Filtration Comparison

Comparing the two, Sigma takes the lead with its ability to filter. Both devices come with regular filters, yet Sigma stands out due to NanoFilters™.

Basic cleaning is fine with the Explorer E50’s regular filters snagging big junk well. But tiny bits might slip through causing murky water or stubborn algae.

Sigma though, brings more to the table with its two-part filter setup. It traps big stuff in its regular filters and then the NanoFilters™ swoop in to catch those tiny bits messing with the water’s look and health.

During our trials, Sigma’s NanoFilters™ snagged way more gunk than any other pool bot we’ve messed around with. Once it finished its sweep-up session, the filters got jam-packed with all sorts of crud, from big chunks to tiny specks and green gunk showing off its top-notch tidying talents.

Scrubbing Routines and Setting Commands

Robotic pool scrubbers make pool care easy when you can program them and set their scrubbing routines. Let’s jump into the ways the Dolphin Explorer E50 and the Sigma make this happen.

Explorer E50 Routines

The Dolphin Explorer E50 makes pool cleaning super easy. It rocks a 2-hour default cycle (1) that’s spot-on for a lot of regular pools. But hey, if you’re rushed and need things spick-and-span faster, you can hit up the 1.5-hour quick-clean mode. This neat feature lets you tweak cleaning times to fit how dirty your pool is or match your busy life.

What rocks about the Explorer E50 is you can program it. Set this bad boy to run every day with the timer it comes with. It’s pretty awesome for pool owners who have no time to fuss over their pool. Just start it up once, and it takes care of business on its own.

The Explorer E50 boasts a delay option plus a weekly schedule setting. We get to set these features to auto-clean the pool when it suits us best, like when we’re out or during times when electricity is cheaper. It’s an ace strategy to keep the pool sparkling while it doesn’t mess with our day-to-day.

Sigma Cycles

The Dolphin Sigma ups the game in pool-cleaning tech. With its standard cleaning duration lasting 2.5 hours, it’s ready to give your bigger swimming hole a real deep scrub. Designed for water havens stretching up to 50 feet, the Sigma is a fit for various pool dimensions.

The Sigma similar to the Explorer E50, includes a timer for weekly tasks. But it kicks things up a notch with superior scheduling features. The Sigma allows the setting of exact days and hours for each week to operate. Say we need the pool sparkling clean every Monday at five in the afternoon and Saturday in the morning at ten, setting up this timetable is a breeze.

Cycle Comparison: Dolphin Explorer E50 vs Sigma

Programmable cleaning sessions are things both the Explorer E50 and Sigma bring to the table. However how they perform and how you tell them what to do show some clear distinctions.

  1. How long they run: You can run the Explorer E50 for one and a half or two hours, but the Sigma takes longer—two and a half hours. If you have a big or super dirty pool, the Sigma’s lengthy run time could be a plus.
  2. Setting them up: Both these pool-cleaners let you set schedules – you can choose, every second day or every third day. But Sigma lets you get more specific with your time plan so that’s kinda cooler.
  3. How you tell ’em what to do: You can set up the Explorer E50 with its own power box thingy. But with the Sigma, you use the dolphin Plus App, which is super handy cause you can do it from anywhere.
  4. App Integration: The MyDolphin™ Plus mobile app works with both models. You can use the app to plan cleanings, create weekly timers, and steer the robots yourself. Yet, it’s important to mention that a few customers say the app sometimes gets tricky, with Bluetooth connection problems here and there.
  5. Upgraded Clean Options: The Explorer E50 features upgraded clean cycles promising maybe better clean patterns or unique settings for various parts of the pool.

To wrap things up, the Dolphin Explorer E50 and the Sigma both have pretty cool settings you can change and ways to clean. The Explorer E50 is pretty solid with a timer you can set and different cleaning modes. But the Sigma, it kinda takes things up a notch with better planning and you can even use an app to control it so you don’t have to do much to keep your pool clean. It really boils down to what matters to you, like how big your pool is and if you want lots of options in how your pool gets cleaned.

Toughness and Promises: Dolphin Explorer E50 vs Sigma

When you’re in the market for a robot to clean your pool, you gotta think about how tough it is and what kind of promise it comes with. Let’s jump into what’s up with the Dolphin Explorer E50 and the Sigma when we’re talking toughness and promises.

Explorer E50 Toughness

The Dolphin Explorer E50 can take on swimming pool cleanups, but yup, it’s not perfect. It’s like, it doesn’t suck up stuff as strong as the big-shot models do. Instead of those awesome commercial motors that the ProLine models flex, the E50 rolls with just regular ones. So, for the huge pool parties where there’s tons to filter (), it might not be your MVP, and that could throw a wrench in how it does stuff down the line.

Now, let’s yap about the guarantee. You snag a 2-year promise when you grab an E50. That’s alright, but some of Dolphin’s other gizmos come with lengthier backup just saying.

Durability of the Sigma

Now, if we chat about the Dolphin Sigma, this dude’s got some cool features that show how tough it is. The Sigma can tackle pools as big as 50 feet, so it doesn’t matter what size your swimming spot is. Plus, this tough guy can scrub up your waterline and climb walls like a pro meaning it’s built pretty solid.

One thing that’s super chill about the Sigma is the warranty. You get a 3-year promise on this one, which is half again as long as what you get with the Explorer E50. Keeping this beast rolling for longer, the warranty kinda tells you the makers are betting big on this bot’s staying power.

Durability Face-Off: Dolphin Explorer E50 vs Sigma

Comparing the pair of models, the Sigma takes the lead boasting better toughness and a more comprehensive warranty deal. Below’s the lowdown on what sets them apart:

  1. The Sigma rocks some beefy commercial-strength motors that manage to cleanse a whopping 500 GPH more than the Explorer E50 does. This boost in muscle means it’ll last longer and work better in the long haul.
  2. The Sigma boasts a warranty that lasts a whole year longer than the Explorer E50’s sitting pretty at three years. Seems like the folks who made the Sigma believe in its ability to stick around.
  3. When it comes to fancy tricks, the Sigma can scrub up the waterline and zip up walls like a champ showing off its solid build. We don’t hear the same bragging about the Explorer E50, so maybe it’s not quite as nifty at getting all the nooks and crannies clean.

Sigma’s advanced elements and extended guarantee suggest it might have better construction than other models aimed at pool cleaning.

One should note that toughness means more than the item alone; it’s also the backup you receive. Maytronics, a trusted name in pool cleaners, stands behind both units. By buying from an Authorized Maytronics Dealer such as Poolbots, we get solid warranty protection (4).

Wrapping it up

The Sigma kind of outshines the Explorer E50 with its beefier warranty stronger engines, and cooler high-tech stuff. But don’t count out the Explorer E50; it’s a tough cookie that’s pretty decent for the cash if your pool isn’t super high-maintenance.

In conclusion, both the Dolphin Explorer E50 and Sigma bring cool features to the table for robot pool scrubbing. The Explorer E50 delivers solid work when you need to keep your pool looking good on the regular. On the other side, the Sigma boasts a triple-engine setup and next-level filtering stuff. Picking one over the other boils down to what your swimming hole demands how much cash you wanna drop, and how much you want the machine to do its thing without bugging you.

These two cleaning gadgets focus on simplifying and streamlining your pool upkeep. Choosing between the Explorer E50’s no-nonsense approach and Sigma’s advanced perks boils down to picking the tool that’ll spruce up your swim time. You gotta think about how big your pool is, the usual junk that falls in, and how you go about cleaning it to choose the right one for your needs.

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