Dolphin Premier vs E50: What You Need to Know Before Buying

Dolphin Premier vs E50; which one suits you best? Ever found yourself at the poolside pondering the best way to make your pool glisten without busting your back doing it? Robotic pool cleaners are game changers and right now, we’re checking out two hot picks: *PAID LINK* Dolphin Premier and E50. Take it from someone who knows pools inside out; picking the perfect bot matters a lot to your pool’s condition and how much chill time you get.

In our discussion, we’re gonna dive into what sets these two Dolphin vacuum dudes apart. We’re focusing on how they filter stuff out, the strength of their motors, the cool techy bits, and how they keep your power bills down. By the time you read through this, you’ll get which robotic pool sucker is the right match for what you need. If you just got your first pool or you’re thinking about stepping up your cleaning game, peeping this showdown will guide you to a choice you can feel good about.

dolphin premier vs e50

A Showdown of Filtering: Dolphin Premier vs E50

Dolphin Premier and Its Fancy Multi-Media Feature

The Dolphin Premier shines in the pool cleaning game, thanks to its unique Multi-Media® Technology. You get to tweak the cleaning of your pool to suit what you need. You open the box and boom – three different filter choices greet you: a big leaf bag regular cartridge filters, and the nifty NanoFilter™ cartridge set.

The cool thing about the Premier is it lets you swap out its filters quickly, like in the blink of an eye 2. That right there is a huge deal for keeping pools spotless. Say a big storm just rolled through; we can just pop in the massive leaf bag for the big mess. On your regular pool tidy-up days, the standard cartridge is your go-to. And for those teeny tiny bits, you’ve got the NanoFilter™ saving the day 1.

The NanoFilter™ stands out big time. Don’t think it’s just like any old filter; this thing’s a beast at snagging tiny bits of junk. These top-notch filters are awesome at catching stuff that normal filters wouldn’t even touch—things like pollen algae, germs, and even the greasy stuff from sunscreen [1]. What’s the upshot? You get a swimming pool that’s not just cleaner and clearer, but it’s better for your health too [1].

*PAID LINK* Dolphin E50‘s way to clean

Okay so the Dolphin Explorer E50 keeps things simple when it comes to cleaning stuff out of the water. It’s got this basic cartridge filter you can check out. Now, this filter’s solid for regular cleaning gigs, but it can’t juggle different tasks as the Premier’s fancy multi-media setup can.

Now, about the E50’s filter thing – it’s got a top-load filter that’s super easy to get to. Talk about no-sweat upkeep; you just yank the filter up, pop the bottom off, give it a quick wash, and bam, you’re done. That’s the kind of straightforward fix that’s gonna have a bunch of pool owners throwing high-fives.

The E50 boasts a multi-layer filter setup letting it filter pretty well for a bunch of pool-cleaning situations. It sucks up 4000 gallons every hour and manages to get a lot of water sparkling clean in just one go.

Cleaning Efficiency Gets a Boost

How different the filter systems are in these two gadgets does a number on how well they clean stuff. The Premier’s got this multi-media system, right? And it lets you switch things up depending on what you’re cleaning. This might mean it gets the job done better and faster.

So, if you slap the NanoFilter™ on the Premier, it snatches up super small stuff like algae. These tiny buggers would sneak right through what the E50’s got. You can peep at the comparison on Premier’s website. The Premier’s neat trick means sparkly water and less messing around with chemicals.

And check this, the Premier rocks a big ol’ leaf bag. Total lifesaver if your pool hangs out under a bunch of trees. When the leaves start dropping or stormy weather hits, this bad boy makes cleanup a breeze. Get the lowdown on this cool feature at Poolbots.

The E50 also has its perks, you know. Its scrubbing feature’s strong. This means it’s pretty good at getting rid of tough grime and algae that just don’t wanna leave.

Wrapping it up, both the gadgets clean pretty well, but the Premier with its multi-media system is like a cleaning superhero. It’s got this cool ability to switch up the filters and just clean all sorts of messes way better. But if your pool’s dirt is the same all the time and not too crazy, the E50’s no-fuss filter might just be all you need.

Motor Vroom and Suck Power: Dolphin Premier vs E50

When we talk about pool cleanliness, what drives our robotic sweepers matters. So, let’s take a peek at what the Dolphin Premier and E50 are packing in the motor and suction department.

Dolphin Premier Motor Specs

The Dolphin Premier stands out when it comes to cleaning pools. It’s got a couple of strong DC motors that pack enough punch to get past any hurdles [1]. These motors are super good at giving more oomph and accuracy than the old-school robots so the Premier has no sweat wiping the pool’s bottom clean up to where the water starts [1].

The motors on the Premier’s gear are super good at not wasting energy. They run with 24 volts and manage to chomp down the power they need by like 90% compared to the old-school AC booster pumps. Look, they sip just 180 watts of juice, which means it costs us mere pennies—5 cents per hour—to keep them buzzing [1]. And hey, that’s a win for both our bank accounts and the big ol’ planet.

Specs of the Dolphin E50’s Muscle

Even though the Dolphin Explorer E50 does a solid job, it goes about its motor strength differently. It sticks to regular motors, not the beefy commercial ones in the Premier. Now this doesn’t give it the same oomph as the Premier when it comes to sheer muscle.

The E50 and the Premier show a stark contrast in their pulling strength. Engines in the E50 don’t generate the same force as the Premier possibly touching on how well it cleans overall [3]. Yet gotta say, the E50 still brings to the table some solid active scrubbers for deep-clean tasks [2].

A Look at Who Does the Sucking Better: Dolphin Premier vs E50

When it comes to pulling in water, you can see how different these two are. The Dolphin Premier rocks it with some heavy-duty motors that clean a whopping 4500 gallons each hour. Because it pulls so much, it can grab all kinds of junk with no sweat.

Now looking at the Explorer E50, it’s not quite up to speed. We ain’t got a solid number for how much gunk it can suck up, but it’s not reaching the heights of the Premier. The E50 is running with regular motors that clean about 500 gallons per hour less than the beefy ones in the Premier [3].

The Premier’s stronger suction has a big influence on how well it cleans. With its better suction, it grabs more junk with just one go, which could mean you’ll get the job done quicker and it’ll be cleaner all around. It’s good at dealing with lots of mess, like a whole bunch of leaves and stuff. We thought that was pretty cool when we gave it a whirl in a leafy pool [1].

So, you gotta understand that just because a pool cleaner has super strong suction doesn’t mean it’s the best. Take the E50, for instance. Its suction might not be as high as others, but it still does a bang-up job cleaning pools for a bunch of people. It’s got this cool scrubbing thing that goes to town on the nasty stuff like tough grime and algae.

Wrapping this up, if you’re all about that strong suction life then you’re going to dig the Dolphin Premier. It’s like the Hulk of pool cleaners with its beefy motors and impressive suction. But, don’t write off the E50— it’s still a pretty decent choice for people who don’t have super crazy cleaning needs.

Nifty Features & How the Dolphin Premier Connects

The Cool Tech in Dolphin Premier

About nifty tech, the Dolphin Premier’s got a game. A big win is its SmartNav 2.0™ Tech driving its spot-on roaming system. This slick tech makes sure this gadget rolls on the best trail to scrub your swim spot’s bottom. It’s got smarts to dodge stuff in its way and get back to its scrub job super quick.

The Premier packs in a weekly scheduler, which lets you program it to tackle cleaning duties like clockwork—be it, every other day, or once every three days 1. It’s a real win for pool owners on the go who don’t have the time to fuss over their pool every single day, but still want that crystal-clear water.

We’re pretty fond of the Media-Alert system; it’s a neat addition. The system’s full filter alert is a real help. It tells you when it’s time for a filter cleanup with no second-guessing needed. The Premier model’s got a modular build that’s a breeze to handle. It’s got five parts you can swap out quickly so you’re not waiting around forever to get it sorted.

The Dolphin Explorer E50 rocks some cool smart features of its own. Being able to hook up to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth stands out as a major plus. You can take charge of this nifty bot from pretty much anywhere with the MyDolphin Plus Mobile app.

Wow, the E50’s got a pretty neat app! You get to set up cleaning times, drive the robot yourself, and mess with its features to get it just right. Talking about a leap forward in how we clean our pools!

And hey, it’s not just about floors. The E50 nails it with walls and waterlines too. Talk about covering your whole pool!

Comparing Setting Up Cleanings and How You Can Plan ‘Em: Dolphin Premier vs E50

In the matchup of app management and timing abilities, the two models aren’t cut from the same cloth. The E50 races ahead with its Wi-Fi and Bluetooth tech. Adding in the MyDolphin Plus app, gives you ease of use the Premier just can’t. 1 3.

The E50 lets us steer the bot no matter where we are, and that’s super cool when we’re out and about. Hooking it up to the app is a total breeze, you need like two minutes to get it talking to Wi-Fi. This means setting up clean times is a piece of cake, and tweaking them while you’re running around is no sweat.

The Premier lacking app management, boasts an integrated weekly planner as per 1. You can get an extra remote for targeted cleanup and hands-on guidance as stated in 2. Still, this doesn’t provide the same adaptability you’d find in the E50’s controls that rely on an app.

Both versions come with timers you can program. You can schedule the E50 to operate every day 3, but the Premier gives you more options with its built-in multi-functional timer letting you choose runs for daily, three times weekly, or twice a week 2.

Operating Expenses and Energy Use: Dolphin Premier vs E50

Dolphin Premier Power Use

In the game of saving power, the Dolphin Premier shines. I gotta say, I’m kind of wowed by how it rocks these dual 24-volt DC magnet motors. They’re way cooler than the old-school AC motors you see in a bunch of ancient pool cleaners. These motors aren’t just a little step up – they’re flipping the script on how much juice your cleaner sips.

Let’s get real here old-school AC motor pool cleaners gobble up a massive 1,470 watts of power. Now, peep this – the Dolphin Premier’s DC motors munch on just 180 watts. We’re talking a whopper of an energy slash – 87% less! When you break it down, that means running this bad boy will cost you about a nickel every hour. So yeah, you can let this dude cruise around cleaning for ages and your wallet won’t freak out over the electric bill.

Dolphin E50 Power Use

The Dolphin Explorer E50 shines when it comes to saving power too. Actual power use specs aren’t in our fact list. But saving a bunch of cash each year on electricity bills compared to other cleaners is something it does well 3. Seems like even if it doesn’t hit the same low numbers as the Premier, it’s still super budget-friendly.

The E50 boasts a design with a cord, which helps save energy. People might believe cordless models are better, but the E50’s corded version provides continuous power and doesn’t need recharges. It leads to non-stop cleaning sessions and you don’t waste energy on often charging batteries.

Analyzing Costs Over Time

Thinking about the cash we’ll save in the long haul, both the Dolphin Premier and E50 are real money-savers when we stack them up against the typical ways we clean pools. Now, the Premier is super chill with energy guzzling just 180 watts. This lets us run the thing a bunch without freakin’ over the spike in our electricity costs. Over the stretch, this neat trick is gonna save us a decent chunk of change.

The E50 might not be as good with energy as the Premier, but it still helps you keep a bunch of bucks in your pocket each year if you stack it against other pool cleaners. When you think about how it runs non-stop without the battery giving out, it’s pretty much a smart deal for your wallet in the end.

Thinking about the guaranteed time is a solid move when you’re crunching numbers on the spending over time. The Dolphin Premier rocks a 3-year guarantee beating the E50 that’s got your back for just 2 years. That extra year of guarantee could be a money-saver if things go sideways and you need a fix-up or a new one.

Okay so in wrapping things up, the Dolphin Premier and E50 are both pretty awesome at saving energy, which is great for your wallet over time. The Premier is the big winner here because it doesn’t use a lot of power, but the E50 still helps you spend less cash than old-school pool cleaners. When we gotta pick one, we should think about how much money we save on energy and also look at other stuff like how well they clean and their cool features to see which one is the perfect fit for our pool.

Summin’ It Up: Dolphin Premier vs E50

Alright ending this, the Dolphin Premier and E50 are both pretty solid choices for keeping your pool clean, and they’ve got some neat features. The Premier rocks with its fancy filter thingy and doesn’t eat up much power, and the E50 is all about being smart with its app to control it. Deciding between these two comes down to what you need for your pool and what you like best.

Choosing between models means you gotta look at stuff like how well they clean cool techy bits, and the cash you’ll fork out over time. Each one makes your pool sparkle and cuts down on the elbow grease needed to keep it looking great. No matter what you pick, you’re moving towards having a cleaner fun spot to swim without busting your back.

Did you check our Dolphin Premier vs E70 comparison?


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